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E-Commerce Web Site Redesign and Optimization (Allan J. Coleman)
An e-commerce company wanted to update a website for a newer e-commerce platform. The client's request was to make it look modern but keep the company's branding.
Stage 1: Analysis
We found several "problem spots" on the home page that might lower a web site usability and conversion rate:
too many action buttons on the same page
some in-active design elements looked like buttons
links to important files were not obvious and overlapped other design elements
Old wedsite version:

Stage 2: Wireframing
During wireframing process, we applied new design decisions for the problems we discovered in the first stage:
simplifying design and creating web site hierarchy by splitting content into blocks
adding buttons instead of links

Stage 3: Creating an interactive prototype


The same process was applied to a mobile version.

Home Mobile

Home Mobile

Home Mobile Mockup

Home Mobile Mockup
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